HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 3 no. 9 (2022)

Teachers’ Awareness on Policies in Technology: A Basis for School-Based ICT Policy in Classroom Management and Teaching

Russel Elgincolin

Discipline: Education



The use of Information and Communications technology has become widely accepted as an effective tool in teaching. Worldwide, it has become a familiar scene to see a teacher equipped with gadgets for audio, visual, and hands-on presentations of their lesson. To accomplish this objective the researcher used the descriptive method of research in the investigation because this concerns the existing condition of ICT-related issues in the school. Based on the data gathered, the following findings were revealed: (1) As to the percentage of students who have access to ICT and social media, 74.20% or 331 out of 447 students answered that they have access. This data is important to determine if there will be a considerable number of clients who will be affected by a school-based ICT policy. (2) Teachers use ICT, including social media in the performance of the following according to the frequency of usage: 2.1) Work-related tasks; 2.2)preparation of lesson aids and teaching strategies inside the classroom tied with Communicating with co-workers inside and outside the school, and 2.3) Communicating with the students outside the classroom setting. (3) Of the 20 policies listed, the most common violation is copying or using files that are not authorized by the owner, followed by Plagiarism. Item Use of bad language comes next, while the occurrence of “cyberbullying, identify theft, online gambling, pornography, and market fraud,” which can cause isolation, humiliation, and trauma came 4th. Completing the top 5 is the spreading of fake news. Other policies should also be given consideration, especially those items which respondents are not aware.


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