HomeScience Asia Reviewvol. 5 no. 1 (2022)

Maritime Studies: From Traditional to Contemporary Transportation Technology, Shaping the Economic Development of the Zamboanga Peninsula

Michael Vincent P. Caceres



Transition from traditional sea-based transportation to a modernized system as challenged by the changing economic landscape of the region and across Southeast Asia was evidentin the field of Maritime History. Transportation Development in the Zamboanga Peninsula was brought about by a long historical analysis of Transportation Technology Management (TTM), also associated with Maritime History of Maritime Studies as analyzed in this study. This contemporary transportation technology is designed for mass transportation at a faster rate and can take long-range distances in transporting voluminous goods and a thousand or more passengers across the seas from island to island or archipelago. The presence of this type of Transportation Technology is vibrant to the economic development of the Zamboanga Peninsula. Ships as a modern mode of transportation by the sea were a necessity. The challenges in adhering to the safety standards set by MARINA and the IMO for reliable transportation at sea is a significant consideration for the passengers. It also pertains to the responses made specifically on compliance with the government regulations and IMO standards was done through the application of various certifications including ISO. Acquisition of modern facilities to ensure the safety of the passengers, crew, and the goods were given attention to some extent. The study generally revealed that the Zamboanga Peninsula and the Sulu Archipelago became connecting dots from central Manila as evidenced by the findings on the maritime operation of commercial vessels that somehow provided an economic contribution to the region.