HomeScience Asia Reviewvol. 6 no. 1 (2022)

Awareness And Practice on Breast SelfExamination Amongst Medical and Non-Medical Students of Universidad De Zamboanga

Raiza Abdulmuin | Shania Jhane Bantaya | Fersa Jalil | Muhammad Hakeem Kamad



The research entitled Awareness and Practice on Breast SelfExamination amongst Medical and Non-Medical students of Universidad de Zamboanga aimed to assess the awareness and practice on breast self-examination amongst medical and non-medical students of Universidad De Zamboanga. Specifically, it answered the following questions: what is the level of awareness on breast self-examination amongst the medical and non-medical students of Universidad de Zamboanga?; What is the degree of practice on breast self-examination amongst the medical and non-medical students of Universidad de Zamboanga?; Is there a significant difference in the level of awareness and degree of practice on breast self-examination when the respondents’ courses are considered? and, Is there a significant relationship in the level of awareness and degree of practice on breast self-examination among the respondents?. The study utilized the descriptive research design because this study aimed to get descriptive data towards the concern of the researchers which is the awareness and practice of the students on breast self-examination. Moreover, this study utilized a comparative research design which focuses on determining if there is a significant difference and relationship in the awareness and practice on breast self-examination of the respondents. Thirty students from medical courses and thirty students from the nonmedical courses, a total of sixty students were considered respondents of this study. The research instrument used in gathering data was a researcher-made survey questionnaire. Three validators validated the instrument to ensure the validity and the researchers conducted a pilot testing to assure reliability. The statistical tools used were weighted mean, T-test and Pearson r Product Moment Coefficient Correlation. Moreover, there was a significant relationship in the level of awareness and degree of practice on breast self-examination among the respondents