Assessment of Philippine Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (PIMAM) Program Implementation and Challenges in Maguindanao Hospitals, Philippines
Saed E. Abdulrahman | Saidamin P. Bagolong
Discipline: health studies
This study aimed to evaluate the
implementation of the Philippine Integrated
Management of Acute Malnutrition (PIMAM)
Program in Maguindanao Provincial Hospital
(MPH), Dinaig Municipal Hospital (DMH),
and South Upi Municipal Hospital (SUMH),
Philippines. Employing a descriptive-evaluative
design, data were gathered from 107 respondents
comprising top management and hospital
staff, selected via purposive sampling. A survey
questionnaire was utilized as the primary data
collection tool, supplemented by secondary data obtained from hospitals PIMAM-ITP coordinators regarding the status of patients upon discharge
from the Inpatient Therapeutic Program (ITP). Data were analyzed using mean
and percentage. Results indicated high levels of implementation of PIMAMITP across the hospitals concerning guidelines, facilities, materials, screening,
treatment, and discharge procedures. Notably, 74% of discharged patients
from ITP hospitals were classified as “successfully treated,” with the remaining
categorized as defaulter (16%), deceased (8%), medically transferred (2%), or
non-respondent (0%). The program demonstrated effectiveness in systematically
addressing acute malnutrition. However, challenges persisted, particularly
concerning caregiver compliance and funding allocation for training on the
National Guidelines for the Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition among
personnel involved in program implementation.
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