HomeDAVAO RESEARCH JOURNALvol. 3 no. 1 (2000)

Ecology And Some Notes on The Biology of Mantis Shrimp, Lysiosquilla maculata Fabricius in Guang-Guang, Mati, Davao Oriental and Its Adaptability to Brackish water

Joy M. Sorrosa | Ariel Eballe | Lea A. Jimenez

Discipline: Environmental Science



Relationships between population density and distribution of mantis shrimps were identified along with some notes in biology. Physico-chemical parameters like water depth, temperature, salinity, soil pH and substrate grain size as well as the flora and fauna were determined in the littoral zones of Guangguang, Mati, Davao Oriental. The adaptability and survival capacity of mantis shrimp to brackish water was also determined. Population density of mantis shrimp, Lysiosquilla maculata, as evidenced by the number of burrows, was positively influenced by salinity and soil pH but not grain size of the substrate. Results showed that this species could survive in brackish water with 75% survival at a salinity level of 12 ppt while water temperature and water depth had negligible effects. Mantis shrimp showed a contiguous or clumping distribution pattern that suggests habitat selection.