HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 7 (2023)

Unlocking the Lyrics: Exploring the Themes of Mental Health in Selected Contemporary Song

Melvin Barete | Jay Albarico |  Mark Auditor | Esrael Balilaon | Mark Louie Budias | Bryan Kim  Dajero | Rex Jeb Jamisolamin | Edgar Lumandas | Reangay Obeso | Francis Angelo  Piscos | Fremativo  Vergara | Rovic Villalon | Evan Taja-on

Discipline: Psychology



In light of current difficulties and the prevalence of mental health issues, music—a powerful medium for emotional expression and narrative—has historically addressed resilience, mental health, and personal challenges. This research explores the representation of mental health in selected contemporary music, recognizing the current societal emphasis on mental well-being. Despite numerous studies exploring the impact of music, there is a need for further research to analyze songs that specifically address personal struggles. Grounded in Narrative Psychology Theory, the study employs descriptive qualitative research to explore the nuances of mental health expressions in a purposively selected sample of 12 songs from diverse genres released within the last decade. Thematic analysis reveals prevalent themes related to personal struggles, mental health issues, and overcoming adversities, providing insights into how musicians navigate and articulate mental health experiences. Using pseudonyms ensures confidentiality in reporting findings in an interconnected narrative format. The study underscores the vital role of music as a medium for expressing and understanding mental health experiences, offering resonance to listeners, and contributing to the cultural discourse on mental well-being. Exploring diverse themes in contemporary songs enriches our understanding of the multifaceted dimensions of mental health in today's culture.