Preventive Practices Among Medical Technology Students of Universidad De Zamboanga Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic
Ylaiza Zerna S. Kipli | Deriama Jade J. Kong | Therese G. Sumicad
This study was conducted to determine the preventive
practices among medical technology students amidst the
COVID 19 pandemic. It sought to answer the following
questions: (1) What is the level of preventive practices among
medical technology students amidst COVID 19 pandemic? (2) Is
there a significant difference between the levels of preventive
practices among the medical technology students when
grouped according to their profile? Weighted mean frequency
was used to determine the level of preventive practices of the
students on the medical technology program of Universidad de
Zamboanga while T-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was
used to determine the significant difference between the level
of preventive practices among the medical technology
students when grouped according to their profile. The results
showed that the level of preventive practices among Medical
Technology Students of Universidad De Zamboanga Amidst
the COVID-19 pandemic has a grand mean of 4.5. Analysis of the
results revealed that the respondents had a high level of
preventive practices. Moreover, there is no significant
difference in the level of preventive practices of respondents
when grouped according to their profile; ethnicity,
socioeconomic status, gender, and year level.
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ISSN 2719-0692 (Online)
ISSN 2704-419X (Print)