HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 16 no. 5 (2023)

Perceptions on Preparedness During COVID-19 Pandemic: An Input to Face-to-Face Classes Transition

Jeanne Paul Raymundo | Lyndel David

Discipline: Education



Schools have been closed for over two years, and students have been learning remotely, causing a significant impact on learning because of the pandemic. Due to this, schools attempt to conduct limited face-to-face classes safely, thus needing to assess their readiness to transition back to face-to-face classes as a part of the Basic Education – Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP). An Exploratory-descriptive method was used in the study. Vaccination data was analyzed, and ten teachers were engaged in an interview session regarding the school's perceived readiness. These respondents were selected randomly. Findings revealed that the school has an almost ideal vaccination status. In terms of the teachers’ perceptions, it was found that the teachers were generally positive about the school's preparedness for the transition to a face-to-face modality. However, there were some concerns about the safety of students and school personnel, the condition of the school's facilities, and the feasibility of the school's plans. It was also found that the teachers have positive attitudes and subjective norms regarding safety, equipment and structures, partnerships and stakeholders, and confident behavioral intentions, which exhibit a likelihood of displaying positive behavior during the limited face-to-face classes. The findings of the study are positive and suggest that Morong National High School is well on its way to transitioning to face-to-face classes. However, there are some areas that need to be addressed to ensure the safety of students and staff.


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