The Moderating Effect of Social Support on the Relationship Between Resiliency and Commitment of Workers in Canning Industry
Ryan Dale Elnar | Jodel Cimagala
Discipline: Psychology
This research explored how social support moderates the relationship between resiliency and organizational
commitment among employees in the Canning Industry in General Santos City. The study employed a quantitative
non-experimental research design with moderation analysis and descriptive correlation. Survey questionnaires,
adapted for the study, were distributed to a randomly chosen sample of 100 workers in the General Santos City canning
industry. The findings revealed a high degree of commitment, which included affective, continuance, and normative
commitment. High levels of resilience were also observed in variables such as determination, interaction, relationship,
problem-solving, organization, and self-confidence. Further, the study revealed high social support among canning
sector workers in General Santos City. Results indicated that social support points out that social support does not
play a moderating role in the relationship between resiliency and commitment. Implications in the light of the current
findings are discussed.
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