HomeDAVAO RESEARCH JOURNALvol. 11 no. 1 (2015)

Sediment Accumulation Rates in Pujada Bay as Determined by Sediment Traps

Joy M. Sorrosa | Janeth C Tayone | Wilanfranco C. Tayone | Ariel Eballe | Bernadette J. Nanual | Ivan L Saligumba

Discipline: Environmental Science



Sedimentation rates in Pujada Bay were determined using an improvised container traps to collect sediments at eight different stations. The results showed high sedimentation rates of around 21.74 kg ma day-I, 15.43 kg ma day-I, 8.21 kg ma day-I, and 3.20 kg ma day-I in stations S5R2 (first period), S2R2 (fourth sampling S2R2 sampling period), and S3R1 (second sampling period) respectively. The principal source for S5R2 was the nearby upland water runoff from the mountain where soil extraction activities are obvious. Depositions for S2R2 were due to Mati Creek discharge and presence of informal settlers in the vicinity. Sedimentations in S3R1 were due to Sudlon River discharge and presence of large commercial fishing boats in the area.