Role on a Rule: Strengthening Learning Continuity with Parental and Police Involvement in the New Normal
Jessica Lumapas | Norsalam Bascuna | Cristy Ann Marie Quiamco
Discipline: Environmental Science
The study examined the effectiveness of the
strategy in strengthening the Learning Continuity Plan (LCP)
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study utilized qualitative
research design, employing in-depth interviews with at least
10 participants who were partners in assisting and guiding
students during modular learning. Findings showed that the
strategy was effective in strengthening the LCP and that it
steered to the development of students’ comprehension and
sense of responsibility during modular supervision. The results
serve as reference point in creating school policies that will
intensify collaboration among stakeholders. The results were
analyzed through thematic analysis utilizing Participatory
Action Research method.
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