HomeDAVAO RESEARCH JOURNALvol. 13 no. 2 (2022)

RDInfratech: An Online Repository of Species and Research for Mt. Hamiguitan Range

Lanie B. Laureano | Wilkin F. Simo | Bernadette J. Nanual | Ar-Jay R. Sacay | Dony C. Dongiapon

Discipline: Ecology



The study aimed to develop an online repository for wildlife species and research conducted in Mt. Hamiguitan Range (MHR) that will contain MHR research outputs for public information and education. The study used agile development in planning, creating, deploying, and testing the online portal. CodeIgniter PHP framework was utilized in the development and MySQL as the database and web hosting services for its deployment. The online portal provides administrator functions such as managing records of species, researches, events, articles and article comments as well as users. It features easy site navigation for the general public in viewing and searching the information about different species, researches and articles. An adopted questionnaire was used for the usability evaluation of the online repository. Based on the results, the users perceived that the online repository was able to meet the user satisfaction in terms of system, information, and interface quality. The user feedback became the basis for the system’s continuous improvement.