HomeDMMMSU Research and Extension Journalvol. 1 no. 1 (2017)

Interlanguage pragmatics of pre-service teachers on face threatening speech acts

Arniel Padrigan

Discipline: Education



Interlanguage Pragmatics presents how nonnative speakers understand and perform linguistic action in a target language, and how they acquire L2 pragmatic knowledge (Kasper, 1996; Cai L. and Wang Y., 2013). The study assessed the interlanguage pragmatics of pre-service teachers by determining the level of pragmatic comprehension and the appropriateness of the production of responses to situations as bases for the development of instructional plan/design for the module. The study used descriptive survey method utilizing discourse completion tasks to gather data from the forty-two (42) CTED preservice teachers which were analyzed using frequency count, percentages, mean and ranking. Results of the study revealed that the level of interlanguage pragmatic competence of the pre-service teachers was very good and they produced appropriate responses to communicative situations involving the speech acts of greeting, refusing, apologizing and requesting. Furthermore, an instructional design was formulated as a basis for the development of the module in teaching pragmatics to enhance the interlanguage pragmatics of the pre-service teachers.