Indigenous Knowledge and Practices on Climate Change in Selected Barangays of La Union: Towards Community Resilience
Priscilla Abellera
Discipline: Social Science
This study validated the indigenous knowledge and
practices on climate change in selected upland
barangays of the six indigenous municipalities of La
Union. It utilized the participatory action research
design in which those involved in the research
participated and were consulted in the listing and
validation of indigenous knowledge and practices.
Barangays of the indigenous municipalities were
selected as areas of the study due to the remoteness of
the places which impedes the availability of access to
scientific weather forecasts through television,
newspapers, radios or even the internet. The keyinformants were senior citizens who have resided in the
area for at least thirty years. They were chosen as
respondents because they have a good knowledge of the
environment and long periods of residence enabled
them to acquire understanding on environmental
indicators and how they are used to predict weather and
adapt to climate change. This study found out that the
key-informants have been using their observations of
the following: a) environment, b) celestial bodies, and
c) animal behavior in forecasting typhoons, droughts or
even good weather conditions. Most of the indigenous
knowledge and practices before a disaster were rated
valid, meaning the prediction really happened, the
indigenous knowledge and practices are widely used in
the community, used for more than one generation, still
being used and effective in predicting weather
conditions. Use of plants to forecast weather conditions
has low validity. Majority of the indigenous knowledge
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