HomeInternational Social Science Reviewvol. 8 no. 1 (2023)

Enhancement of SUC-Based TVET Programs in Zamboanga Peninsula

Carlo T Nabo

Discipline: Education



This descriptive research study employing both quantitative and qualitative techniques was designed to investigate existing TVET programs and other TVET-related activities of identified state universities and colleges in Zamboanga Peninsula. Specifically, the study evaluated the SUC-based TVET programs in terms of facilities, curriculum and expertise; determined the problems encountered by SUCs in the delivery of TVET programs; and, proposed a scheme to enhance the involvement of SUCs in providing TVET programs. Purposive sampling was utilized to identify key informants who participated in a survey and a series of focus group discussions. Documentary analysis was also used to obtain pertinent data. Findings revealed that facilities and equipment are consistently identified across all concerned SUCs as requiring improvement. With an overall area percentage of 78%, majority of respondents in all the SUCs involved identify this aspect as needing more intervention to improve the delivery of the TVET programs. Although no longer consistent across the SUCs, this is followed by curriculum or program offerings. At 49%, which is slightly less than half of the respondents, this aspect is considered needing improvement primarily because some of the respondents wanted other TVET programs to be offered that suit their needs. Lastly, respondents rated expertise of facultytrainors at 48% across all SUCs as needing improvement in terms of requiring trainors to undergo further training and professional advancement.


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