HomeManagement Reviewvol. 3 no. 3 (2017)

The Role of Mentoring in the Career Success of a Mentee Working in a Philippine-Based Institution

German Mark A. Martinez IV

Discipline: others in business and management



This study examines the role of mentoring in the career success of mentees (mentored individuals) in the Philippine context. Career success in this study is measured according to three factors; namely, job performance, job satisfaction, and promotion rate. The study posits that mentoring has an overall positive effect on career success. However, moderating variables that affect this relationship in the form of perception on the mentor’s success and the mentee’s self-efficacy are taken into consideration. A set of 32 mentor-mentee pairs from various corporate and academic institutions was used as the sample respondents. Mentoring was found to have a positive role in the career success of mentees, specifically in terms of job performance and job satisfaction. Mentees also exhibited great improvement in these two factors from the time they had no mentoring. Perception of the mentor’s success as a moderating variable was found to have a significant positive correlation with the relationship between mentoring and career success insofar as job performance and job satisfaction are concerned. Further, mentees’ self-efficacy was also found to have the same significant positive correlation with the relationship between mentoring and career success in terms of job performance and job satisfaction. Implications of the findings of the study regarding mentoring in the Philippine context are also discussed together with the study’s limitations and recommendations for future studies.