Learning Motivation and Self-Efficacy in English Among Seventh Graders
Eunice Tayag | Justine Tiamzon | Ashley Nicole Bagang | Jaymie Crizel Manalili | Berna Frasco | Paulo Sarinas | Rose May Buendia | Noel L. Dominado
Discipline: Education
The study aimed to evaluate learning motivation and self-efficacy
among seventh graders. The result of the findings was the low of confidence in public speaking, business writing, and the lack of interest in
English culture, history and literature. A mixed-methods sequential explanatory design was utilized, involving 283 seventh grade learners
from one of the schools in Cluster 1 Division of Pampanga. The result
of the study showed that the respondents have low confidence in writing an English letter, are afraid of public speaking, and lack interest in
English cultural content. On the other hand, they see English as a tool
for their future when they seek jobs or travel abroad, and they also see
English as their motivation to study hard for their future career. Furthermore, the study also discovered connection between the two variables. Learning motivation could result from the positive outcomes of
the students' insight when it comes to English; they would motivate
themselves to master English. Although self-efficacy will determine
their beliefs about their ability to learn, these learning motivations and
self-efficacy further contribute to improving the learning confidence of
a student. Finally, the findings have significance for boosting confidence and improving the abilities of the learners. Providing opportunities for students to use English in supportive environments, making
English learning relevant and engaging, and helping students develop
positive self-efficacy beliefs about their ability to learn English should
be the main goals of interventions.
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