Credit Risk Management Practices And Its Impact On Rural Bank’s Financial Performance
Christine Cayanan
Discipline: management studies
Credit risk management in banks has become a critical concept
that determines banks' survival, growth, and profitability, not
only as a result of the industry's current financial crisis. The goal
of this research is to find out how credit risk management affects
rural bank profitability in Central Luzon. The bank’s financial
performance was measured by the Return on Asset (ROA) and
Return on Equity (ROE). The study revealed that Credit Risk
Management Practices have no significant impact on the rural
bank’s financial performance. Credit Risk Management Practices
have insignificant impact on CAR, ROE and ROA. Previous research
findings show that the relationship between CAR, ROA, and ROE is
not significant. The following recommendations are hereby
offered out of the result of the aforesaid findings and conclusions:
Banks should consider the indicators of non-performing
loans/Gross loans portfolio. It is also recommended that NonPerforming Loans (NPLs) will be used as one of the credit risk
indicators. The study sought to find the impact of credit risk
management practices on the financial performance of rural
banks in Central Luzon and recommend that similar research
should be done but with a specific focus on Non-Performing
Loan/Total Loan Portfolio as one of the variables of Credit Risk
Management. Further, this study will help Rural banks improved
its operation by minimizing the credit risk aspect. This will
minimize the number of banks placed under the Prompt
Corrective Action (PCA) through proper credit risk management
that will reduce the Past Due ratio or its Non-Performing Loan.
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