HomeDMMMSU Research and Extension Journalvol. 7 no. 1 (2023)

Synergistic roles of articulation, intellectual passion, conviviality and commitment in determining the citizens’ awareness and initiatives for sustainable watershed resources management

Jomar L Aban | Weenalei T Fajardo | Godspower O Omokaro

Discipline: ecology and environmental biology



To attain high quality watershed, citizens or stakeholders should work harmoniously with the researchers and the local government units. There should be a pleasant relationship among the three which can only be attained if there is intellectual passion among the three concerned characters. This watershed management research has employed a combined socio-scientific and philosophical research design. The researchers as scientists are determined to be actively involved in sharing his intellectual passion to attain greater objectivity and rationality in sustaining watershed resources. This study found that people's jobs and social status significantly influenced their awareness and actions regarding watershed conservation. Students, local government officials, and local residents have only a moderate understanding of how industrialization impacts watershed resources. Surprisingly, local government officials are unaware of how siltation affects the quality and biodiversity of these resources. Additionally, students show little initiative in attending watershed conservation seminars, likely due to the high cost of scientific conferences, which they may find financially challenging. Through the inculcation of Polanyi’s philosophical concepts, the researchers highly recommend the conduct of more hands-on community outreach activities regarding watershed conservation.


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