HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 2 no. 2 (2024)

The Implementation of Brigada Eskwela in the Schools Division of Masbate City in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Basis for the Development of a Sustainable Partnership Model

Gregorio A. Legal | Oscar Pinote, Ed.D. | Gerard Leomel Estoquia

Discipline: Education



This study explores the strategies employed by public elementary and secondary schools in Masbate City's Schools Division for effective Brigada Eskwela implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Objectives include assessing approaches at different stages, identifying challenges, proposing partnership models, and suggesting a plan of action. Using a mixed-methods design, the study collected quantitative data through surveys and qualitative insights through interviews and focus group discussions. Descriptive statistics, thematic analysis, and weighted mean computation were applied for data analysis. The study reveals robust approaches to Brigada Eskwela across stages, emphasizing detailed planning, stakeholder involvement, and adaptive strategies. Challenges, from resource mobilization to coordination issues, were identified, with pragmatic solutions proposed. Areas showing moderate challenges suggest opportunities for targeted training. While noting the resilience and adaptability of Brigada Eskwela implementation in Masbate City, the study suggests areas for improvement. The proposed partnership sustainability model underscores proactive planning, structured committees, and continuous communication. The plan of action outlines steps for capacity building, technology integration, and strategic partnerships, enhancing the resilience of Brigada Eskwela initiatives. This research provides insights for sustaining community engagement in education during challenging times, offering a blueprint for collaborative and resilient educational communities.