HomeNRCP Research Journalvol. 23 no. 1 (2024)

Employee Attrition of Civilian Human Resources: The Case of the Philippine Military Academy

Maria Victoria Dariano

Discipline: Development Studies



The high attrition of employees sends a signal of its unhealthy organizational culture. This study explores the reasons for leaving of the civilian human resources of the Philippine Military Academy by discovering: their socio-demographic profiles, the reasons that prompted them to leave, and the possible areas to improve employee turnover policies. A case study through interviews was conducted among the 17 who voluntarily left the service. Findings revealed that the majority of those who left belonged to Generation Y, females, held a second-level plantilla position, were college graduates, and rendered service from 1 to 5 years. Common reasons for leaving are lack of organizational support, biased leadership style, poor management of stress, poor working conditions, poor management practices, unequal distribution of training opportunities, and issues with the pay rate. This study recommends investing in a comprehensive retention policy that incorporates competitive benefits, career development programs, and a positive work environment.


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