HomeNRCP Research Journalvol. 23 no. 1 (2024)

Social Development in Mining Technology Transition: The Case of Community-led NonMercury, Non-Cyanide Gold Extraction Method (CLINN-GEM) in Davao de Oro, Philippines

Annalyn Decena

Discipline: environmental sciences



This social development research theorizes the process of technological transition through a social development lens. This single case study is exploratory and descriptive which employs qualitative methods in data gathering and analysis. The results revealed that Community-led Non-Mercury, Non-Cyanide Gold Extraction Method (CLINN-GEM) technology transition process follows a technology innovation cycle that starts with documenting what the people know about mineral processing and establishing methods to systematize the process (research and development) towards rolling it back to the people (adoption). During the transition, restructuring organizations and physical, cognitive, and social systems were made to effect change in knowledge realms and the social conditions of the community. The social development perspectives highlighted during the transition process focused on transformative change, progressive, multidimensional and multifaceted, interventionist, with the goal of improvement of people’s well-being. Further, the technological transition generates outcomes and impacts which are heavily dependent on the following factors: clear vision and goals; firm commitment and available resources of actors, efficient technology for sustainable operations, and policy formulation enforcement. The results of this study have conceptual implications in understanding social development in technological transitions and practical implications on sustainable technological transition. Lastly, the author recommends actions to ensure successful technological transition and further studies to better understand the research topic.