HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 7 (2024)

Management of Experiential Learning Loss of Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education Students

John Marc R. Mendoza

Discipline: Education



The study determined how teacher education institutions in Quezon Province manage the losses in experiential learning of the BTVTEd students during online learning. It also looked into the significant association between the participants' determined difficulties and the way TEIs handled the identified losses. The study employed a descriptive-survey research design with correlation using a checklist questionnaire created from CMO 79 series 2017 and statistical tools including frequency and percentage distribution, weighted arithmetic mean, and Pearson r. The study found that (1) articulating and discussing the latest developments in a specific field of practice; (2) mastery of subject matter or discipline; and (3) higher-level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, and learning skills needed for higher learning were loss during online learning. Most of the tasks associated with preparing the BTVTEd students were moderately difficult for the participants. The school administrators sometimes manage the determined losses, prioritize the safe return of teachers and students in schools, and only sometimes manage to allocate sufficient financial resources for funding an intervention program. The study also revealed a slight association between the identified difficulties in demonstrating higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, and learning skills required for higher learning and communicating effectively in writing using both English and Filipino and how TEIs manage the losses in experiential learning. The study suggests that school administrators should take corrective actions to compensate for the experiential learning losses of the students still in the BTVTEd program. Ensuring that the school-based intervention programs are effective in helping students grasp what they are missing, accelerate their learning, and achieve the skills outlined in the BTVTEd minimum standards program outcomes. Additionally, they should initiate capacity-building training programs to restore, retrain, and retool BTVTEd teachers on how to effectively and efficiently carry out their duties regardless of the implemented teaching-learning modalities.


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