HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 7 (2024)

Assessment of Organizational Management Capacity of Public Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Sulu State College

Sharifa D. Anjirani

Discipline: management studies



This study investigated the organizational management skills of Sulu State College for fiscal year 2023. A purposive sample of 100 people was selected, and several statistical procedures such as weighted mean, standard deviation, t-tests, ANOVA, and Pearson's r were used. According to the findings, the majority of surveyed employees were female, under the age of 30, had less than five years of work experience, had permanent employment, and possessed bachelor's degrees. According to the findings, Sulu State College had a significantly high degree of adaptation, particularly in strategic and operational planning, resource mobilization, communication management, and knowledge development. Interestingly, demographic variables such as gender, age, tenure, job status, and educational background had no significant influence on employees' perceptions of the institution's capacity for management. In addition, those who approved of the organizational management ability for strategic planning had similar perspectives on operational planning, resource mobilization, communication strategy, and knowledge management. This further means that employees from different demographic groups perceived SSC's management capacity similarly. This suggests that the college's practices are viewed as consistent and effective across all employee segments. The study also supported Frederic W. Taylor's Scientific Management Theory, highlighting its importance in improving organizational effectiveness through systematic work processes, task allocation, optimum procedures, performance evaluation, and incentivization. It offers a framework for directing and inspiring employee performance.


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