HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 7 (2024)

Scaffolding Students’ Difficulties in Addition and Subtraction of Integers through Game-Based Instruction

Jenny Fe G. Jalandoni | Maria Chona Z Futalan

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the Integer Math Maze and Intego Card Game in teaching and learning the addition and subtraction of integers. The study also covered the level of the students’ enjoyment of utilizing these game-based instructions. The subjects of the study were the 41 Grade 10 students who were grouped into two based on their prior knowledge of mathematics and were randomly assigned to different interventions. The study utilized the Cluster Randomized Trial (CRT) under the experimental type of research. Mean, Spearman Rank Order Correlation, and a t-test for independent and dependent data were used as statistical tools. The researchers used a validated questionnaire to gather data. The findings of the study indicate that the students lack the foundational skills in integer operations. However, a significant improvement in their performance was observed after the utilization of the gamebased instructions. The study further revealed that the level of the students’ enjoyment of the game-based instructions was “very high.” The data from this study indicated that, to scaffold students' difficulties with the various operations of integers, educators and curriculum implementers should examine how well students perform when given game-based instruction.


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