HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 7 (2024)

Management Support and Acceptance of the Implementation of Classroom Technology Integration Among Private School Teachers

Ricardo T. Pasi | Juanito B. Gabutan Jr. | Joel D. Potane

Discipline: Education



This study evaluated the level of support provided to teachers in leadership, instructional practices, technology infrastructure, and professional development, and measured the extent of technology integration in classrooms. It also investigated the correlation between classroom technology integration, management support, and teachers' acceptance of technology. The study employed a quantitative, descriptive analytical approach. Findings indicate that teachers have a positive perception of technology integration, particularly when they receive robust support from school leaders, have access to adequate resources, and possess sufficient technological knowledge. Furthermore, the study reveals a significant relationship between management support and teachers' acceptance of technology integration in the classroom, underscoring the crucial role of administrative support in facilitating technology adoption in education. Based on these results, the study offers recommendations for policymakers, school leaders, and educators to enhance technology integration. Recommendations include developing comprehensive ICT policies, ensuring adequate support and resources for teachers, implementing mentorship and training programs, and fostering a culture of continuous professional development. The study highlights the importance of aligning management support with teachers' acceptance to effectively integrate technology and improve educational outcomes in private secondary schools.


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