Evaluating the Influence of the Compensation and Position Classification System (CPCS) on Job Satisfaction and Performance among SSS Rank-and-File Employees
Renato C. Quiobe | Maria Chona Z. Futalan
Discipline: human resource management
This study aimed to identify the perceptions of the SSS rank-and-file employees on the
Compensation and Position Classification System (CPCS) and how they relate to the employees’ job
satisfaction and performance. The researcher utilized the descriptive-correlational survey and employed the
random sampling technique in identifying the 118 employees from the SSS West 1 Division. The researcher
used a validated questionnaire with the following Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients: 0.941 for the perceptof the
Compensation and Position Classification System (CPCS) and 0.918 for the job satisfaction. Findings suggest
a moderate agreement among employees regarding the benefits and compensation structure under the
Compensation and Position Classification System (CPCS). Additionally, the study reveals high job
satisfaction and very satisfactory job performance among SSS rank-and-file employees. Importantly,
significant correlations emerge between employees’ perceptions on the Compofsation and Position
Classification System (CPCS) and both their job satisfaction and performance levels. These findings
underscore the importance of understanding employee perspectives on the Compensation and Position
Classification System (CPCS) and its implications for organizational satisfaction and effectiveness.
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