HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 7 (2024)

Breaking the PSYCHcle: Impact of Psychoeducation on the Attitudes Towards Mental Illness of Two Barangays in Bataan, Philippines

Von Hansen Jan I. Turla | Al-Jean P. Fernando | Priscilla Gilyanie G. Macatangay | Ma. Ranissa M. Bayhon | Alyssa Isabela F. Corona | Kyle Louie A. Soldevilla | Jayvie Villazor

Discipline: Psychology and Health



In the Philippines, pervasive stigma surrounding mental health care presents a formidable obstacle to addressing psychological concerns. This study delves into the impact of psychoeducation on the attitudes toward mental illness within two barangays in Bataan. Employing a quasi-experimental approach, participants were divided into two groups: an experimental group (n=15) engaged in a comprehensive sixmodule psychoeducation program, and a control group (n=15) attending a single session. Utilizing the 21- item Community Attitudes Towards the Mentally Ill (CAMI) scale by Taylor and Dear for both pre- and post-intervention evaluations, the research revealed a significant enhancement in attitudes among participants from both experimental (p = 0.001) and control (p = 0.024) groups. Interestingly, the effect size was more pronounced in the control group (0.658 > 0.369), emphasizing the potent impact of psychoeducation. These findings underscore the transformative potential of psychoeducational initiatives in cultivating a more inclusive and empathetic community approach to mental health, advocating for their integration into comprehensive mental health strategies across the Philippines.


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