HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 7 (2024)

Students’ Language Learning Preferences in Taking In and Presenting Information to Others

Sheil Odessa M. Vendiola

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to ascertain the extent to which students prefer to take in and present information to others using the four perceptual learning modalities: visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic in learning the English language. The researcher applied the descriptive-correlational design and considered 250 Grade 12 randomly selected respondents. The researcher utilized a validated questionnaire and conducted a dry run with thirty respondents. The Cronbach's Alpha Test revealed that all items were reliable with coefficients greater than 0.70 in all areas. The results of this study revealed that that the students generally have a high preference for auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic learning styles, while their preference for visual learning is moderate. In terms of presenting information, students prefer auditory and kinesthetic methods more than visual and reading and writing. Despite these preferences, students' academic performance in English was very satisfactory. Importantly, there was a positive correlation between academic performance and the extent to which students engaged in reading and writing. Conversely, heavy reliance on visual presentations was associated with lower English academic performance. Additionally, students who preferred reading and writing and kinesthetic methods for presenting information tended to perform better academically. These findings highlight the significance of considering diverse learning preferences and presentation methods to enhance students' academic achievements in English.


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