HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 7 (2024)

Empowering Students: How Communities Can Help

Monajean B. Fuentes | Jade T. Librando | Queenie Lyn G. Almerez

Discipline: Education



Low-income families, particularly those with disabled children, frequently face considerable economic challenges. Educational programs that teach participants income-generating skills are critical for these families. Schools can play an important role in empowering vulnerable populations by introducing revenue-generating projects. This qualitative study assessed the influence of a community project, which was executed at a public elementary school in Digos City, Philippines. The project aimed to provide highergrade Special Education students (deaf and mute) and their parents with the skills and information required to launch their own enterprises. The researcher used focus groups and in-depth interviews to learn about the individuals' real experiences. Thematic analysis was utilized to discover reoccurring themes and acquire a better understanding of how the project cultivated their entrepreneurial spirit and sense of community in the school setting. Results revealed that the initiative affected participants' living standards, sense of independence, and overall well-being. The study emphasizes the need of customizing such programs to individual circumstances. The findings can be used to guide the design and implementation of future programs, ensuring that participants are financially empowered while also creating a more dynamic and self-sustaining learning environment.


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