HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 7 (2024)

The Motivation and Research Competencies among Educators in Government Higher Education Institutions in Northern Samar: A Cornerstone towards Productive, Quality and Efficient Research Community

David G. Parsons

Discipline: Education



This research study aimed to investigate the relationship between motivation and the research competencies among educators in Government Higher Education Institutions (GHEIs) to identify factors that contribute to a productive, quality, and efficient research community. The study employed a quantitative research approach particularly the descriptive correlational research design to focus on quantifying the accumulation and assessment of data and descriptive design to provide a snapshot of the current situation and describes the traits of the population or occurrence on the phenomenon from educators in Government higher education institutions. The study worked only with a motivational survey that covers both Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation that focused on motivation, external governance, introduced governance, acknowledged governance, and unified governance, and Intrinsic motivation as well as the research professor's competencies that entail six domains on instruction, values and morality, uniqueness and creativity, research development, and digital readiness. The data analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics, including path analysis, to examine the direct and indirect relationships between the variables. The findings showed that motivation and research competencies have a significant relationship in building productive, quality, and efficient research communities. Therefore, all three indicated hypotheses were found rejected when evaluated using the data gathered from the respondents. This finding is expected to contribute to the development of effective strategies and interventions for enhancing motivation and research competencies among educators in Government higher education institutions, which would ultimately lead to a productive, quality, and efficient research community.


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