English Teachers’ Instructional Practices as Determinants to Students’ 21st Century Skills
Groselie B. Ragay | Maria Chona Z. Futalan
Discipline: Education
The study aimed to examine how the instructional methods employed by English teachers and the
overall academic performance of students contribute to the development of 21st-century skills The research
involved 277 students from public senior high schools in Bais City. It utilized a descriptive-correlational
approach, using a validated questionnaire for data collection, and applied statistical methods including
mean, weighted mean, and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis for data analysis. The study revealed that
the extent of teachers’ instructional practices in terms of drills, contextualization, mediated learning,
technology in the classroom, visualization, cooperative learning, and inquiry-based learning is “high.” It
was also found that the students’ 21st-century skills in terms of problem-solving, information literacy, and
critical thinking are classified as “high.” Moreover, the visualization and inquiry-based learning practices of
the teachers were found to be significant predictors of the students’ problem-solving skills. In addition, the
results indicated that contextualization, use of technology in class, visualization, and cooperative learning
are determinants of students’ information literacy skills. Lastly, the findings signified that the use of
technology in class and cooperative learning significantly predict students’ critical thinking skills.
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