HomePCS Reviewvol. 15 no. 1 (2023)

History In The (Re)Making: A Schema-Theoretic Analysis of Baguio-Benguet University Students’ Perceptions of the Political Legacies of Ferdinand Marcos Sr., and Corazon Aquino

Jethro Bryan S Andrada | Nique Jade B Tarubal | Christan Jay G Lazaro

Discipline: Politics



Former presidents Ferdinand Marcos Sr. and Corazon Aquino are two prominent figures whose political legacies of martial law and the EDSA People Power Revolt, respectively, have dramatically shaped the country’s politics and history. Their iconography, as well as those of their political legacies, continue to be relevant in the current political scene. Despite the mechanisms put in place to remember Marcosian dictatorship and the restoration of democracy (e.g. holidays, monuments, etc.), how Marcos Sr., Cory Aquino and their legacies are remembered and portrayed remain contradictory, especially in online platforms. In response to this problem, this case study analyzed how Baguio-Benguet university students remember and conceive of these political actors and their respective legacies, as well as the justifications and reasoning they employ for their perceptions. Through a convenience sampling scheme, 28 students from the four most populated universities in Baguio-Benguet were interviewed, and their statements were analyzed using Navera’s (2012) schema-theoretic framework. The main findings revealed that the youth were more familiar with Ferdinand Marcos Sr. and martial law than with Cory Aquino and EDSA. Better recall of Marcos Sr. and martial law than Cory Aquino and EDSA indicate that mechanisms to remember the latter two may be failing despite their relation to Philippine democracy. Also apparent among the participants is a lack of in-depth knowledge about contemporary Philippine history as a whole, as almost all of them justified their perceptions of the political actors and events in general or vague terms.


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