HomePCS Reviewvol. 15 no. 1 (2023)

The Relationship Between Power Distance Cultural Dimension and Organizational Assimilation of Filipino Online ESL Teachers

Rudell A Ramirez

Discipline: Cultural Studies



This study explored the relationship between power distance and organizational assimilation among online English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers. It determined the relationship of Hofstede’s power distance to Jablin’s organizational assimilation. A total of 162 respondents working as office-based online English teachers in Metro Manila participated in the study. Results showed that the respondents had a moderate level of assimilation with a mean score of 119.01. As to the power distance, the respondents had a high level of power distance with a 59.05 mean score, which agrees with Hofstede et al. (2010) that the Philippines is a high power distance society. Correlation test results revealed that power distance and organizational assimilation have a weak positive yet significant relationship with rho = 0.251 and a p-value = 0.002, which means members have a possibility to assimilate easily if high power distance is present in the organization. Correlational tests were also conducted to see if there are significant relationships between sociodemographic variables and power distance and organizational assimilation but no significant relationships were found between the variables mentioned. Personal interviews were conducted to deepen the analysis of the study. Different factors were determined that influenced the assimilation in connection to power distance, and these are personality, relationship, age, and family and affiliation. Influences of power distance on assimilation were also determined. These are saturation point and disengagement, compromise and retaliation, and being outspoken.



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