HomePCS Reviewvol. 15 no. 1 (2023)

Participatory Communication: Toward Reconceptualizing a Fractured Paradigm

Michelle Anne N Sto. Tomas

Discipline: Essay



The participatory communication paradigm from a Freiran perspective implies human agency toward development projects. However, the notion of a ‘fractured paradigm’ suggests dissecting the components of such a paradigm to trace and comprehend its conceptualization and guide research. Fractured paradigm in the paper was recognized as a progressing paradigm that might have been serving but not adequately and suitably truthful to its purpose in research. This paper located the ‘fractured’ element in the paradigm using a tripartite ontological approach in theory, research, and application and discussed the fractured further in the binary of the philosophical view of determinism and free will. I explored further the fractured paradigm towards a reconceptualization of participatory communication towards development. The confusions of free will in the participatory communication paradigm lead us to the discussions of the ‘self,’ and the discussions of the self permeate the discussion of determinism. The compatibilism view marries the fractured paradigm in participatory communication. Exploring the fractured paradigm in this paper directed participatory communication into a different philosophical perspective that, one may argue, defeats its being fractured. To employ the compatibilist view in this paradigm, I suggested three propositions. Arguably, the compatibilist view of participatory communication as a paradigm may strengthen or hinder its development ideology because determinism and freedom of agent are compatible.


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