HomeDMMMSU Research and Extension Journalvol. 8 no. 1 (2024)

Development of STEM-Based Biology Laboratory Activities in Creating Filter Paper Utilizing Indigenous Materials

Ilyn W Lanaja | Manuel B Barquilla

Discipline: Education



This study aims to develop STEM-based laboratory activities in creating filter paper using indigenous materials. The researcher initially devised a formulation for creating filter papers from indigenous materials (Corchorus olitorius leaves and waste papers) and subjected them to various tests. It was determined that Filter Paper B is the most effective among all other formulations. Subsequently, it was compared to Grade 2 Whatman filter paper using the same methodology. These precise procedures were also incorporated into the laboratory activities developed by the researcher and utilized by students during implementation. Following the tests stated in the laboratory manual, the students also determined that filter paper B containing 20 g (40%) of jute mallow leaves and 30 g (60%) of waste paper was the most effective in terms of the criteria and qualities. A pre-and post-test were also administered during the implementation. This is aimed at assessing the degree of STEM literacy among students regarding the topic of Filtration. It is interesting to note that using STEM - Based Biology Laboratory Activities increased the students’ STEM literacy. Hence, it is recommended that the STEM – Based Biology Laboratory Activities be used in class to foster scientific learning among students.


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