HomeInternational Journal of Academic and Practical Researchvol. 2 no. 2 (2023)

Practical Techniques and Exemplars in Writing Research Articles Using Artificial Intelligence: On the Case and Perspective of ChatGPT and Other AI Language Models

Almighty C. Tabuena | Yvon Mae H. Tabuena

Discipline: Artificial Intelligence



The article discusses the importance of providing clear instructions when in teracting with AI language models, specifically ChatGPT, to achieve wellwritten and satisfying results. It advises starting conversations with specific in structions, mentioning the desired information or assistance. Additionally, it suggests specifying the preferred format or style of the response and asking for clarifications or requesting examples and explanations when needed. The article also highlights the benefits of AI language models in research article writing, such as generating introductions, formulating research questions, improving methodology sections, and enhancing discussion and conclusion sections. It emphasizes the importance of reviewing and refining the generated content and provides insights on enhanced writing assistance, language proficiency and style, and automated citation and referencing. Ethical considerations, including bias, plagiarism, transparency, and fairness, are also discussed. Lastly, it provides a framework for writing research articles using AI, including command considerations, planning the structure, AI-assisted writing, and review and editing, while considering ethical implications.


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