HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 8 (2024)

Impact Assessment of an Income-Generating Project

Noriegen I. Amacio | Farhana U. Alauya | Queenie Lyn G. Almerez

Discipline: business studies



This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and sustainability of income-generating projects designed to provide beneficiaries with essential needs as outlined in the project plan. The study focuses on key areas such as monitoring, evaluation, and financial management to assess project sustainability. A comprehensive data collection process involved semi-structured interviews with project proponents. The data was then meticulously analyzed using thematic analysis. The analysis identified several key themes: dissemination of information about the product's introduction, measurement and evaluation, monitoring, stakeholder engagement, sustainability and effectiveness, and unique experiences. These themes were used to develop recommendations and conclusions regarding the projects' overall impact and sustainability


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