Strategies Employed by Senior High School Students in Learning General Mathematics
Jezrel R. Palumar
Discipline: Education
This study aimed to identify the strategies employed by students in learning General Mathematics
during the pandemic and to examine the relationship of these strategies with selected variables. A
descriptive-correlational research design was utilized, and systematic sampling was employed to select 126
Grade 12 respondents. Validated questionnaires were used to collect data, and statistical analyses including
mean, weighted mean, t-test for independent data, Pearson correlation, Mann-Whitney U Test, KruskalWallis Test, and ANOVA were conducted. The findings revealed that the extent of students’ utilization of
metacognitive, cognitive, and collaborative strategies was “high.” Additionally, their academic performance
in General Mathematics was found to be at a “satisfactory” level. Further analysis showed that students with
outstanding academic standing before the pandemic (a) had a higher extent of utilization of the strategies
compared to those with satisfactory and fairly satisfactory standings, and (b) performed better during the
pandemic than those with very satisfactory, satisfactory, and fairly satisfactory ratings. However, no
significant differences were found in the strategies employed by students when grouped according to sex
and strand. Moreover, the extent of strategy utilization did not have a direct relationship with academic
performance. These findings suggest a need for further research into additional factors that may influence
learning outcomes. Exploring other variables impacting academic success and developing targeted
interventions to enhance student performance is recommended.
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