HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 8 (2024)

Towards An Integrated Structure and Agency Construction of Political Rights in the Philippines

Milrose Patawaran-Llenas | Emmanuel D. Batoon

Discipline: Politics



Political rights in the Philippines continue to be a persistent societal challenge despite ongoing efforts across various sectors to address issues related to their protection. Human rights studies traditionally consider political rights inherent, yet disputes over their interpretation persist, suggesting that consensus depends on aligning definitions with universal human nature. This paper contends that political rights are socially constructed through historical processes involving diverse social structures and agents. Therefore, integrating structural and agential perspectives is crucial for establishing a common societal understanding of these rights. Drawing on social constructionism theories by Benjamin Gregg (2011), Peter Berger (1966), and Anthony Giddens' structuration theory (1984), this study explores how individuals' interactions within society and culture shape the conception of political human rights. An exploratory-sequential mixed-method approach was employed, combining qualitative documentary analysis and interviews to investigate how social structures and agents construct political rights. Quantitative data triangulation further enhanced the study's comprehensiveness and depth. Key findings underscore ongoing efforts to address political rights in the Philippines, highlighting the social nature of their understanding and the necessity for collaborative efforts among government and multiple sectors.


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