HomeDAVAO RESEARCH JOURNALvol. 15 no. 1 (2024)

Trophic state of the reservoir influences the allometric coefficient and condition factor of Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) cultured in perennial reservoirs of Sri Lanka

R.G. Sanuja | U.A.D. Jayasinghe | P.L.N. Lakshman | K.H.M. Ashoka Deepananda

Discipline: environmental sciences



Giant Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) is an essential crustacean species in culture-based fisheries of Sri Lanka. Studying the morphometric characteristics and empirical models in fishing and aquaculture is highly beneficial; thus, it is the most accurate way of analyzing growth patterns. The present study aimed to establish the length-weight relationship and compute the relative condition factor for the M. rosenbergii cultured in trophically different perennial reservoirs in Sri Lanka, considering the trophic status of the reservoirs. The allometric coefficient and condition factor of M. rosenbergii concerning the trophic state of the reservoir were empirically ascertained from the samples collected from twenty-five dry-zone perennial reservoirs of Sri Lanka. Carlson’s Trophic State Index (TSI) was calculated based on the chlorophyll-a content. The allometric coefficient and relative condition factor were computed using the total length and weight of the M. rosenbergii. The TSI ranging between 44.09±0.47 and 65.15±0.24 differed significantly (p<0.05). Sexual dimorphism in the growth of males over the female M. rosenbergii was ascertained with the aid of allometric coefficient (b value) 3.2306 (positive allometric growth) and 2.9534 (negative allometric growth), respectively. In eutrophic perennial reservoirs, Giant Freshwater Prawns showed the highest allometric coefficient in both sexes. There was a positive correlation between the allometric coefficient and TSI among males, r(23)=0.7210, p<0.001, and combined sexes, r(23)=0.7900, p<0.001, respectively. The results of the present study revealed that the trophic state of the reservoir influences the allometric coefficient and condition factor of M. rosenbergii cultured in perennial reservoirs of Sri Lanka.


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