HomeJournal of Education, Management, and Development Studiesvol. 1 no. 3 (2021)

Online Learning in Bangladesh during COVID-19: Perceived Effectiveness, Challenges, and Suggestions

Saidur Rahaman | Iqbal H. Moral | Mizanur Rahman | Mohammad Sahabuddin | Adedeji B. Samuel

Discipline: Education



The primary purpose of this research is to highlight the perceived effectiveness, challenges, and suggestions of online learning (OL) for Bangladesh during COVID-19. Fifteen students were chosen using purposive sampling from Bangladesh’s private, public, and national universities as a study sample. Researchers generated some themes from secondary sources (published journals, articles, reports, conference proceedings, newspapers, and government records) which were asked to the respondents in relation to the research questions. The findings revealed that though online learning is effective, it has several challenges as well. To mitigate those challenges, the researchers made some suggestions based on the opinions of students. These findings, however, will benefit students, guardians, university authorities such as the University Grant Commission (UGC), and the Ministry of Education. The study only looked at Bangladeshi university students’ viewpoints, which may or may not be similar to those of other students, such as those at primary, secondary, and higher secondary levels.


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