HomeJournal of Education and Liberal Studiesvol. 1 no. 1 (2024)

Caught in the Web: The Relationship Between Intolerance of Uncertainty and Cyberchondria among Employees in A Private Institution in Lipa City

Andrea Gail B. Punzalan | Zynine Joy R. Famadico | Junnas P. Saldua | Noralyn Muria | Jeremich Serafica

Discipline: Psychology and Health



The global pandemic has no doubt induced uncertainty and health anxiety, prompting excessive health information seeking. There is now a heightening demand for researchers to study this behavior, as well as its causes and consequences. This study assessed the intolerance of uncertainty (IU) and cyberchondria among 100 employees in a private institution in Lipa City. The 100 employees of the target institution were mostly female college graduates in their early adulthood and in the lower middle income range. Using correlational descriptive research, the survey revealed high IU and moderate cyberchondria levels. Demographic factors did not significantly alter these levels. A notable relationship emerged: as IU increased, so did cyberchondria. Understanding these risks in the information age is crucial, necessitating more studies. This comprehension can foster adaptability in an ever-changing world. Collaboration between the institution's Human Resources Department and Clinic is recommended to address these issues effectively. This study's exploration of the link between intolerance of uncertainty (IU) and cyberchondria illuminates the psychological processes driving excessive health information seeking. It enhances psychology's understanding of coping mechanisms during uncertainty, informing interventions for managing health related anxieties and promoting mental well-being in contexts such as pandemics.


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