HomeJournal of Education and Liberal Studiesvol. 1 no. 1 (2024)

Competencies and Personal Attributes of Bachelor of Elementary Education Graduates of Lipa City Colleges S.Y. 2018-2023

Reanne T. Bosa | Vina Edette L. Moren | Karlyn A. Ramos

Discipline: Education



Every academic institution aims to produce competent and highly qualified graduates who can eventually be competitive in local and global areas. A tracer study is a tool that can provide valuable information for evaluating the whereabouts and performance of graduates in the workplace as it can appropriately provide valuable information for evaluating the results of the education and training of a specific institution of higher education. It tracks and collects essential information concerning the employment profile of graduates, their undergraduate experience, the first and current jobs of graduates, and the relevance of their educational background and skills required in their jobs. This study entitled Competencies and Personal Attributes of Bachelor of Elementary Education Graduates of Lipa City Colleges, SY. 2018-2023 aimed to keep track of the graduates of Lipa City Colleges. Researchers utilized the quantitative research design using a descriptive survey method to determine the competencies and personal attributes of Bachelor of Elementary Education Graduates of Lipa City Colleges: SY 2018-2022. The researchers collected data from (36) graduates using an adapted-modified questionnaire and analyzed it using various statistical tools. The study's findings revealed that most Bachelor of Elementary Education graduates were female and single. There is a high employment percentage of graduates who are mostly employed in jobs related to their course and are categorized as professionals in terms of their employment status. Most graduates land their first job for less than one month and stay in their job for almost two years. Emphasis, the competencies learned by the graduates during their college education were reported as useful in their first jobs. Communication skills were considered the most valuable, followed closely by information technology skills. The findings revealed that competencies learned by the graduates-respondents and personal attributes have highly significant relationships.


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