HomeJournal of Education and Liberal Studiesvol. 1 no. 1 (2024)

Social and Academic Transition in Relation to the Departure Intention Of First-Year Students of Trece Martires City College

Maricel G. Nuestro

Discipline: others in psychology



This research aimed to determine the social and academic transition concerning the departure intention of first-year Trece Martires City College students. This study employed a descriptive-correlational research design to describe the level and correlate the said variables. A sample size of 234 respondents was randomly selected from 593 first-year Trece Martires City College students. A survey instrument modified and adopted from prior studies was employed after being validated by the experts and tested for its reliability using Cronbach’s alpha measure of internal consistency. First-year students face challenges adapting to a new social environment, impacting their satisfaction and potential; they experience social conflicts with peers, roommates, or others in the academic community, and they experience difficulty adapting to new environments, academic demands, or life changes, resulting in emotional distress and influencing departure intentions. They were dissatisfied with the available extracurricular activities, clubs, or social events. The departure intention of first-year students at Trece Martires City College, specifically attributed to personal reasons, often stems from a deficiency in motivation or interest in their chosen field of study. A lack of enthusiasm for the academic path chosen may prompt students to reassess their educational journey and contemplate leaving the university. Moreover, personal shifts in goals or interests can significantly impact a student's decision to leave the university. When individuals change their aspirations or interests, it may create a disconnect with their current academic pursuits, prompting contemplation of leaving the educational institution. Factors such as gender, parental educational attainment, and parental occupations do not significantly impact the social and academic transition experiences of these students at the college. Gender is not a significant determinant influencing the reasons for contemplating departure among first-year Trece Martires City College students. The personal reasons show no significant differences, but there are significant variations in economic, academic satisfaction, and performancerelated factors based on the educational attainment of both mothers and fathers. This highlights the nuanced impact of parental education on the departure intentions of first-year students at Trece Martires City College. As students experience a higher level of social and academic transition, there is a tendency for an increase in their contemplation of leaving the college.


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