HomeJournal of Education and Liberal Studiesvol. 1 no. 1 (2024)

The Seriousness of Problems Encountered in Online Learning, Students’ Motivation and Self-Efficacy in Mathematics among Based – Mathematics Students in Trece Martires City College

John Paul T. Tatualla

Discipline: Education



This study looked into the constructs of the seriousness of problems encountered in online learning, students’ motivation and self-efficacy in Mathematics among BSED – Mathematics Students. This research aimed to determine the seriousness of problems encountered in online learning, students’ motivation and self-efficacy in Mathematics among BSED – Mathematics Students. This study employed a descriptive-correlational research design to describe the level and correlate the said variables of the study. The population of the study came from 100 BSED - Mathematics students at Trece Martires City College, academic year 2023-2024. The actual sample of 80 was computed using the Raosoft Calculator and chosen through the random sampling method (Rahi, 2019) with a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%.A survey instrument that was modified and adopted from prior studies was employed after being validated by the experts and was tested for its reliability using Cronbach’s alpha measure of internal consistency. the results from Trece Martires City College highlight substantial challenges in online learning. The foremost concern is "Isolation and lack of social interaction." Additionally, significant issues include "Time management," "Communication issues," and "Limited access to resources." Notably, "Technological issues" also present a concern, albeit ranking fifth in severity. The BSED-Mathematics students in Trece Martires City College exhibit a high level of motivation in mathematics. The BSE Mathematics students at Trece Martires City College exhibited a strong sense of self-efficacy in various aspects of online learning. They displayed proficiency in adopting new online learning technologies, sourcing teaching materials, strategizing to complete coursework, searching for answers online, maintaining focus despite distractions or challenges, effectively navigating online learning platforms, and successfully completing group projects or assignments in the online format. It's important to consider other factors that might influence motivation in mathematics, independent of the encountered online learning problems. The higher the level of Students’ Motivation, the higher the level of self-efficacy in Mathematics among BSED-Mathematics Student There is no strong evidence to suggest a significant relationship between the identified problems in online learning and the level of self-efficacy in mathematics among BSED-Mathematics students at Trece Martires City College.


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