HomeJournal of Business Innovation and Managementvol. 1 no. 1 (2024)

Readiness of Barangay Pinagbayanan, San Juan, Batangas for Community-Based Tourism Development

Eric John L. Aplasca | Shekinah A. Borja | Cyrill M. Cabrera | Rachel Ann K Maguling | Kim Margaret T. Penaflor | Vee Jay C. Dalisay



This study presented the readiness of Brgy. Pinagbayanan in San Juan Batangas for communitybased tourism. It aimed to determine the respondents' profile in terms of age, gender, educational attainment, and monthly family income. Furthermore, it determines the level of preparedness of the community for community-based tourism regarding socio-economic, socio-cultural, environmental, and management components as perceived by local people. It also determines if there is a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the resident's assessment of the components of community-based tourism. The goal of the study was to evaluate the Readiness of Brgy. Pinagbayanan, San Juan, Batangas for community-based tourism development. To serve this purpose, the study utilized a quantitative descriptive design. The respondents of the research were residents of Brgy. Pinagbayanan, who were at least 18 years old and older. The total population of the barangay, according to census, was used to determine the population size of 214. A face-to-face survey of the population was done through a self-made questionnaire. According to the findings of the study, the residents agreed that the community is ready for community-based tourism. However, some components need further enhancement, specifically management aspects that yielded the lowest composite mean. In addition, residents' age, educational attainment, and income had a significant relationship with how the population evaluated the community primarily because of extensive residency, critical analysis, and livelihood dependence on the environment. Therefore, for the future implementation of community-based tourism, specific community domains, particularly the management component, require further improvement; yet other areas that are already beneficial for tourism development should be maintained to ensure the success and sustainability of the tourism initiative in the community. Future researchers might utilize this study as a reference point for future studies exploring sustainable and inclusive tourism approaches, such as community-based tourism.


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