HomeJournal of Business Innovation and Managementvol. 1 no. 1 (2024)

Level of Disaster Risk Preparedness of Selected Resorts in Talisay, Batangas

Justin Mae E. Algario | Louise Danica B. Arellano | Gizzle B. Garcia | Mowie P. Iturralde | Ella Mae P. Villanueva | Marvin P. Panganiban



This research aims to find out the level of preparedness of the selected resorts in Talisay, Batangas. The variables present in this study helped assess the level of disaster preparedness of the resorts by determining the profile of the respondents and the level of disaster preparedness in terms of mitigation, preparedness, prevention, response, and recovery. Adequate preparation involves risk assessment, emergency plans, and trainings to respond effectively to any natural or man-made disasters. The researchers were able to gather 50 participants from 11 resorts that was divided into two (2) groups: the managers/owners, and employees. This study used purposive sampling to select the respondents who will provide data through the use of survey-questionnaires. After the research was completed, they were able to make recommendations on how such resorts should be completely prepared for natural and man-made calamities. Based on the result of the data gathering in 11 resorts at Talisay, Batangas, it is found that they are mostly prepared in terms of prevention plans, mitigation, and preparedness, response and recovery through ongoing facility improvement plans, stakeholder involvement, collaboration with local authorities, regular drills, and community engagement which are crucial for maintaining safety and minimizing losses during emergencies. The proposed input can help to enhance disaster preparedness in Talisay, Batangas.


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