HomeJournal of Business Innovation and Managementvol. 1 no. 1 (2024)

The Work-Related Stressors, Stress Management, and Level of Work Commitment of Long-Term Employees from Selected Call Center Companies in Cavite

Ma. Theresa N. Ignacio

Discipline: human resource management



This study aimed at determining the work-related stressors, stress management, and level of work commitment of long-term employees from selected call center companies in Cavite. This study employed a descriptive-correlational research design to describe the level and correlate the said variables of the study. A sample size of 80 respondents was selected through random sampling from the total number of 100 came from the long term-employees of selected call center companies from Cavite.. A survey instrument that was modified and adopted from prior studies was employed after being validated by the experts and was tested for its reliability using Cronbach’s alpha measure of internal consistency. The findings revealed that the work-related stressors experienced by the respondents include monotonous and repetitive tasks that can lead to feelings of boredom and lack of motivation, contributing to heightened stress levels. Additionally, the pressure to meet performance targets, such as call handling time, customer satisfaction ratings, or sales quotas, adds to the stressors. Furthermore, challenging interactions with upset, angry, or demanding customers contribute to the overall stress levels in their work environment. The respondents highly value social support as the most effective stress management strategy, followed closely by self-care and recreation. Although stress buffering is recognized, it ranks lower. The overall consensus with a high weighted mean of 3.05 highlights agreement on the efficacy of these stress management approaches, emphasizing the significance of social support and self-care in alleviating stress among respondents. The respondents exhibit a strong commitment to work, emphasizing performance, dedication, and satisfaction as key factors. While loyalty remains high, it holds a slightly lower position. This highlights the multifaceted nature of work commitment among the surveyed individuals. Respondents aged 31 and above, married, serving for 11 years and above, and holding the position of customer service director, exhibited a higher level of work commitment compared to those aged 30 and below, divorced, serving for 5 years and below, and working as call center agents, respectively. However, there was no significant difference observed in work commitment based on gender, indicating that regardless of gender, respondents demonstrated a similar level of work commitment. The more the respondents encounter work-related stressors, the more they demonstrate stress management mechanisms to overcome them. The more the respondents encounter work-related stressors, the higher the level of their work commitment.


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