HomeBusiness Research Journalvol. 5 no. 1 (2019)

Financial Literacy, New Venture Survival, and Debt Repayment

Lerma B. Bautista



Entrepreneurs have strong drives for financial sustainability. More importantly, they have a major role in economic development as they create jobs, products and services. Creation of new ventures is essential to economic growth and competitiveness of countries. However, starting a new venture and working on new firm survival by entrepreneurs can be difficult. It has been revealed in a large body of research that low business age has a negative relationship with firm survival and young firms have higher risks of survival than older businesses. With the wealth of explanations why new ventures fail, one of which is financial literacy. Entrepreneurs were found to be deficient in financial knowledge which is important in better management of their finances that include credit management. Thus, there is a need to study the financial literacy of entrepreneurs and the outcomes as a result of this knowledge on new venture survival and debt repayment. New firms are empowered with knowledge and experience through the human capital of their founders, the entrepreneurs. Empirical researches reveal that the knowledge and experience of the entrepreneur influence the firm’s survival and that links between the entrepreneurs’ human capital profiles and outcomes relating to firm entry, exit and performance have been identified. Consequently, financial literacy may aid in decisions that involve bills payment. Individuals who are financially illiterate of their personal finances may also be illiterate in the financial management of their new business. This study investigated the relationship of the financial literacy of entrepreneurs, new venture survival and debt repayment of the businesses. It used the set of financial literacy questions designed by Van Rooij, Lusardi and Alessie. It has been found that financial literacy has negative correlation with default in debt repayment but it has also revealed that the financial literacy of the entrepreneur has no significant relationship with new venture survival. Future research studies may include in their analysis the new ventures that have already closed to better capture the relationship of the variables.


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